The firm
The firm ALVEAR MACIAS LEGAL ADVISORS, with principal place of business in Guayaquil and correspondents all over the Ecuadorian territory provides legal assistance to national and foreign companies and governments, as well as to individual clients. Its legal attendance in the different areas, applied to corporate business and personal subjects, is a brandmark of the firm associates and external professionals (outsourcing). The professionals count with vast experience and updated knowledge of Ecuadorian and international legislation, wich constitute a determining support for the excellent management and solutions in legal advice.
Among the local and international clients we have referred to, we can mention: ACS ACTIVIDADES DE CONSTRUCCION Y SERVICIOS S. A. (Spain); GRUPO DRAGADOS (Spain); ACS GROUP (Spain); URBASER (Spain); INTECSA (Spain); BUSH BOAKE ALLEN (Great Britain); GUAYAQUIL PORT AUTHORITY (Ecuador); R.M.G. RACCOLTA, MOLNAR & GREINER GESELLSAFT M.B.H. (Austria); NEGOCIOS INDUSTRIALES REAL - N.I.R.S.A (Ecuador); DHL-DANZAS AIR & OCEAN DEL ECUADOR S. A. (Germany); DYCTEL (Peru); FISE (Spain); MAKIBER S.A. (Spain) ELECTROCONSULT (Italy); INYPSA (Spain), INTECSA (Spain), UTRERANA DE CALDERERIA (Spain), DAIPSA (Spain); BARRY-WEHMILLER INDUSTRIES, INC. (USA); and, REEFER EXPRESS LINES (USA), to cite just a few of the companies that have entrusted their legal business with us.
Areas of practice
In Alvear Macias Legal Advisors, the client will find the legal consultant fit to solve his questions and conflicts in a cordial and professional business relationship, not always with the need to arrive at confrontation, but nevertheless, with the skill, character and resolution to litigate whenever necessary. It is necessary to mention that Alvear Macias Legal Advisors handles a variety of complex subjects of litigations in major cities and all over the country. These litigations are related with most of the legal areas mentioned before.Our firm has represented, and still successfully represents, prestigious international corporations in recovery of financial debts and contractual claims of diverse matter. Also the firm has a great litigation experience in circuit and district courts, including the mostly required representations of clients before the Supreme Justice Court.- Civil Rights
- Penal
- Administrative
- Tributary
- Mercantile
- Banking and Financial
- Public Contracts (Bidding Processes)
- Telecommunications and Energy
- Corporative
- Labor
- Family
- Environmental
- Customs
- Aeronautical
- Financial Institutions and Operations
- Foreign Investments
- Franchise
- Constitutional
- Immigration
- Intellectual Property
- Insurance
- International Law
- Marines
- Concessions and Privatizations Procedures
- Titles and Values
- Transference of Technology
- Trusts
- Mediation
- Arbitration and Litigation
Dr. Jorge Alvear Macías
Doctor Jorge G. Alvear-Macias studied in the Catholic University of Guayaquil and later on graduated at the University of Guayaquil on 1975 with a degree of Attorney; he obtained his Juris Doctor degree on 1990.
He was linked to the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil as its General Secretary and also as Secretary of the Arbitration Commission. He was also co-judge of the Second Penal Tribunal of Guayas and subsequently performed as Civil Judge Fourth of Guayaquil. On 1995 he was elected co-judge of the Superior Police Court of Guayaquil. He was Judge of The Constitutional Court of Ecuador (2006-2007).Dr. Alvear was legal advisor to several national and international corporate conglomerates as well as banking and financial institutions, acting as special legal counsel for the board of Directors. He was also an active Arbitrator and Mediator to the Arbitration Center administrated by the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil.
He is the author of the book "Study of the Resources (Civil Remedies) in the Ecuadorian Civil Process", with two published editions. It is worth mentioning his long time experience and contribution to University Professorship. He has been part time professor of the Catholic University teaching Book III of Ecuadorian Civil Code, and at present time teaches Civil Procedure at the Espiritu Santo Specialties University (UEES). Dr. Alvear specializes in litigations and arbitration, banking law, public and commercial contracts, privatization and concessions procedures. -
Ab. Lelys González Montealegre
Miss Lelys González, Attorney at law, was born June 18, 1964 and she performed her studies in the Catholic University of Guayaquil, where she obtained the degrees of Bachelor in Political and Social Sciences (1987) and Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic (1991).
Lelys González's practice includes Corporate Law, Commercial, and Civil Law. She has ample experience in purchase-sale contracts, Loans, Profits, Mortgages, Municipal Matters, Condominium Real Estate legislation, Leasing of urban and rustic lands, material contracts of work; Labor Matters for contracting and dismissal of employees; Public Contracting and bidding proceedings; specialization in Lawsuits in civil and criminal areas; judicial procedures in maritime matters, by specialization of Damages and Mischief, Payments by specialization, executive judgments, Lawsuit in Taxes of Customs nature, Refund Claim proceedings with the Internal Revenue Service for undue payments or payments in excess and appeal of assessments, claims before the Fiscal Court and Judgment coercive trials of Customs, among others proceedings of tributary nature.The areas under her charge in our organization extend to the General Legal Advisory, in civil contractual matters. She manages the direct relationship with the corporate clients and assumes their representation before the public administration on tax matters and other obligations, related to operation licenses for commercial establishments, as well as the commercial area of lawsuits.
It is worth mentioning, that Miss González collaborated in 1991 in the Law Office of Simmonds & Associates, as LAWYER ASSISTANT. In 1992 she was incorporated to the LAW FIRM of Dr. JORGE G. ALVEAR as ASSISTANT LAWYER, and thereafter, in 1995 she founded the firm ALVEAR MACIAS LEGAL ADVISORS, jointly with the Dr. Jorge Alvear Macías and Attorney Teresa Nuques Martínez, thus being a founding Partner of the firm. -
Dr. Jorge Alvear Macías
Doctor Jorge G. Alvear-Macias studied in the Catholic University of Guayaquil and later on graduated at the University of Guayaquil on 1975 with a degree of Attorney; he obtained his Juris Doctor degree on 1990.
He was linked to the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil as its General Secretary and also as Secretary of the Arbitration Commission. He was also co-judge of the Second Penal Tribunal of Guayas and subsequently performed as Civil Judge Fourth of Guayaquil. On 1995 he was elected co-judge of the Superior Police Court of Guayaquil. He was Judge of The Constitutional Court of Ecuador (2006-2007).Dr. Alvear was legal advisor to several national and international corporate conglomerates as well as banking and financial institutions, acting as special legal counsel for the board of Directors. He was also an active Arbitrator and Mediator to the Arbitration Center administrated by the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil.
He is the author of the book "Study of the Resources (Civil Remedies) in the Ecuadorian Civil Process", with two published editions. It is worth mentioning his long time experience and contribution to University Professorship. He has been part time professor of the Catholic University teaching Book III of Ecuadorian Civil Code, and at present time teaches Civil Procedure at the Espiritu Santo Specialties University (UEES). Dr. Alvear specializes in litigations and arbitration, banking law, public and commercial contracts, privatization and concessions procedures. -
The philosophy of the firm is based on the delivery of the best legal service to the client and is sustained on the principle of proactivity: "do not expect the events to happen, make them happen"; and the knowledge of the lawyer community of Ecuador, keeping in mind that:" only a lawyer knows another lawyer´s best talent".
This working mystique motivates us to select –inside and outside of the law firm– and depending on the case, the best professional to attend the primary high quality necessities of the legal service the customer requires, thanks to our relationship with renowned Ecuadorian lawyers, who share the same commitment of achieving excellence in the professional practice and the innovative thought of permanent superior service.
Dr. Jorge Alvear M.
Specialist legal systems of human rights protection. He exercised the magistracy in the TC, today Constitutional Court of Ecuador.
moreAb. Lelys González M.
Extended experience in Transactional Services, Usufructs, Mortgages, Municipal Affairs, Criminal and Civil Litigation, among others.
more -
Av. Francisco de Orellana and Alberto Borges
"Centrum Building" (CLARO)
10th floor, Offices 1 y 2
Guayaquil, Ecuador Phone: (593) 42634273
(593) 42634183
E-mail: bufete@alvearmlaw.com -
The firm was founded in Guayaquil - Ecuador on 1995 by attorneys: Dr. Jorge G. Alvear Macías, Lelys González Montealegre and Teresa Nuques Martinez.
The firm arose like an answer to the increasing business of the city, and the necessity to count with a valid alternative that concentrates in the same organization, professionals with a high profile of experience and the benefit of quality legal service. Both requirements were met as the founders began to be acknowledged as outstanding professionals in each different specialty of the legal system in Ecuador.
At the present time ALVEAR MACIAS LEGAL ADVISORS handles all the legal work of over one hundred national and international clients, maintaining its original philosophy of quality service and the best legal advice.
Published articles
Dear Dr. Jorge G. Alvear Macias,
After trying to retrieve my funds from an Ecuadorian bank for almost 10 years using other attorneys that tried to steal my funds!
You made this process easy and kept it professional. My funds were returned very quickly after you had all the necessary paperwork.
Thank you.
Nick Hodges CPA, MBA
PresidentPeriodista: ¡no estás solo!
San José, Costa Rica. Desde esta ciudad conmemoro el 9 de Octubre de 1820, la gesta de los próceres encabezados por José Joaquín de Olmedo que dio independencia a Guayaquil. Esto mientras participo como observador en la Conferencia Conmemorativa del Día Lea más.Discurso protegido
El defensor del Pueblo defendió las causales invocadas por la Secom para disolver a Fundamedios. Aclaró: "No me he pronunciado sobre si estas causales terminan en un proceso de disolución. Lo que digo es que hay actos que sin duda tienen fines políticos que deben Lea más.Propiedad y herencia.
El escritor Enrique Krauze publicó en el diario El País de España (2005) una descripción del populismo iberoamericano, y entre sus diez rasgos específicos apuntó: "… alienta el odio de clases… con un matiz: hostigan a 'los ricos' (a quienes acusan a menudo de ser Lea más.Cuando se mata a un periodista…
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Dr. Jorge Alvear Macías -
Corte Constitucional falla a favor de Revista Vistazo
Inicialmente el Tribunal Contencioso Electoral (TCE) falló a favor de la revista por considerar que una opinión no puede considerarse propaganda política, pero nuevos jueces aceptaron la apelacion de los demandantes y en septiembre de 2012 sancionaron al medio con una multa de 80 mil dólares. Lea más.En la Corte Constitucional se llevó a cabo la audiencia pública del caso Nº 1651-12-EP
La presente Acción Extraordinaria de Protección fue presentada contra la sentencia del Tribunal Contencioso Electoral en que una revista fue declarada responsable de la infracción prevista en el numeral 2 del artículo 277 de la Ley Orgánica Electoral y de Organizaciones Políticas. Lea más.Jorge Alvear y Lelys González presentan libro sobre CIDH
Los doctores Jorge Alvear Macías y Lelys González Montealegre realizaron el lanzamiento del libro "Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Libertad de Expresión, Casos" en la Fundación El Universo, el martes 13 de mayo a las 19h00. Lea más.Jorge Alvear: 'Ecuador, con resolución de la OEA, se allanó a competencias de CIDH'
La eventual resistencia de las autoridades a las medidas cautelares que solicite la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) implicaría un acto ilegítimo, contrario a la Constitución y a la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos. Lea más.Estados Unidos otorga asilo a periodista Emilio Palacio y su familia
El exeditor de Opinión de EL UNIVERSO, Emilio Palacio, anunció ayer que Estados Unidos le concedió asilo tras atender su petición basada en "persecución política y por ser miembro de un grupo de periodistas independientes y críticos del Gobierno". Lea más.Palacio dice que EE.UU. lo asiló; Patiño lo niega
El periodista ecuatoriano Emilio Palacio anunció ayer que obtuvo el asilo político en EE.UU., a donde se trasladó en medio del juicio que seguía el presidente Rafael Correa contra él y otros directivos del diario El Universo. Lea más.EEUU da asilo político al periodista Emilio Palacio
El periodista ecuatoriano Emilio Palacio, condenado en su país por injurias al presidente Rafael Correa, anunció que Estados Unidos le concedió asilo político y calificó la decisión a su favor como un "firme respaldo" a la libertad de expresión en Ecuador. Lea más.Estados Unidos concede asilo al exjefe de Opinión de 'El Universo' de Ecuador
El exeditor de Opinión del diario ecuatoriano El Universo, Emilio Palacio, anunció este jueves la concesión de asilo para él y su familia por parte de Estados Unidos. El periodista se había exiliado en Miami en agosto del año pasado, tras ser condenado Lea más.Con la firma de Camilo Samán se archiva juicio
El presidente de la Corporación Financiera Nacional (CFN), Camilo Samán, quien el viernes desistió de presentar cargos por injurias calumniosas contra el editor de opinión de Diario EL UNIVERSO, Emilio Palacio, reconocerá su firma mañana o el martes para que la Lea más.